6 min read

The Risk of Personalization: Do People Want and Trust It?

Personalization is user-centric technology. But it also raises concerns. How will you identify and address those concerns?
The Risk of Personalization: Do People Want and Trust It?
Image generated by DALL-E through ChatGPT 4. Prompt: "A colorful drawing in a 1960s comic book style, depicting a robot with a weighed down expression, burdened by the fear of never being trusted by human"

Personalized experiences and recommendations are everywhere and logically publishers are looking it, with some being farther ahead than others.

There are, however, a number of pitfalls to avoid. Besides thinking hard about how to measure the success of personalized content recommendations and find the right level of algorithm transparency, we also need to take into account whether our users actually want a personalized experience.

Because, even if we can easily assume that users want recommendations that provide them with stories and content more relevant to them, a study indicates that that might not always be the case.

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