Let’s Think About User Needs in Communities
Keeping users front and center is becoming a prerequisite in journalism and content production. Can the same approach be beneficial in communities as well?
Finally, an Impact Framework for Publishers and Audiences
From assumptions to actual impact for actual people. Meet a set of tools built for - and in - our industry.
In Defense of Manual User Needs Tagging
Automated user needs labelling is easier than ever — but you need to be aware of what you risk losing, and whether it’s worth it before opting for speed.
Now is the Time to Publish Fewer Stories
For years we have been talking about how less is more. Now, our audiences are saying there is just too much information. Finding a quantity-quality-audience fit should be a major priority for all.
User Needs: An Easy, Effective Exercise To Get You Started
Sometimes it is the little things that make the difference. Here is an excercise I've had great results with as long as I've worked with user needs.
Why You Should Do an Internal Newsletter
Internal communication is insanely important – whether you are building a new domain, working across silos or doing work that just doesn't get enough exposure in the organisation.
AI: The Honeymoon Is Over, Implementation Awaits
The media industry will soon look to those publishers who not only can use and build Artificial Intelligence but also integrate it successfully into the organisation.
Pre-mortem: How to Fight Failure Early
A negative mindset can in fact pay off. Here is how you can identify and map risks early in the process.
Implementing User Needs Is Cultural Change
It's a prism, a model for analyzing and developing journalism and publishing stories. But putting it into work is change management. Here are my tips based on actually doing it.
The AI Augmentation of Journalists Is Now
Artificial Intelligence isn't replacing reporters anytime soon. But it's making them incredibly better at what they are already doing well. And it's all fuelled by the launch of ChatGPT.