User Needs for Publishers

My name is Lars K Jensen, and I work with journalism, data and editorial insights as the Audience Development Lead at Berlingske Media in Denmark.
Feel free to connect on LinkedIn and say hi.
SERIES. Here is a list of what I have written about user needs in this newsletter, with the newest articles at the bottom.
You are more than welcome to reach out (let's connect on LinkedIn) if you want to know more.
An Introduction to User Needs for News Publishers

For years publishers have been pushing news on an endless cycle. In a free ad-based world where clicks rule that might make sense. A subscription business doesn't work like that.
May 18, 2021
User Needs for Publishers: From Theory to Practice

User needs are easier to work with if you combine them with topics and customer segments that are important to you.
February 8, 2022
Implementing User Needs Is Cultural Change

It's a prism, a model for analyzing and developing journalism and publishing stories. But putting it into work is change management. Here are my tips based on actually doing it.
March 19, 2024
User Needs: An Easy, Effective Exercise To Get You Started

Sometimes it is the little things that make the difference. Here is an excercise I've had great results with as long as I've worked with user needs.
June 6, 2024
In Defense of Manual User Needs Tagging

Automated user needs labelling is easier than ever — but you need to be aware of what you risk losing, and whether it’s worth it before opting for speed.
September 17, 2024
Let’s Think About User Needs in Communities

Keeping users front and center is becoming a prerequisite in journalism and content production. Can the same approach be beneficial in communities as well?
January 23, 2025
Structure Isn’t Everything – It’s Not Even Enough

When we want to implement change in our organisation, we tend to focus a lot on structure. But this isn't the best way to go. User needs implementers should take note as well.
February 26, 2025